Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lucy's Views on Marriage

This picture is of Lucy when we got home from church. Her teacher had given her a treat and she ate most of it on the way home, but offered two last bites that she had held in her hands the whole way home to give Jason and I. The treat was a chocolate covered marshmallow bunny. Needless to say, the bunny was no longer chocolate covered.

Lucy and I have been having the funniest conversations lately. I try to remember them, but by the time I sit down to do it, I've forgotten the details. This morning while we were getting ready for church, out of nowhere she says:

Lucy: "I just wish I could marry Oliver."

Me: "You can't marry your cousin. Sorry, Lucy."

Lucy: "Well then who can I marry?"

Me: "You don't have to worry about that for a while. So don't stress it."

Lucy: "Miss Stephanie (her preschool teacher) said that her brother didn't
get married. That's funny, huh, Mom."
Me: "Sometimes people don't get married, and that's okay."

Lucy: "I can marry Gavin!"

Me: "Why do you want to marry Gavin?"

Lucy: "Because he's my best friend"
(She then got a very worried look on her face)
Lucy: "I hope he doesn't want to marry Hayley!"

Me: "You don't need to get married for a long time, Lucy. When you get married you don't get to be a kid anymore, so just be a kid for a while first."

Lucy: "Well, I'll just play all day when I'm married and a grown-up and a Mom! It'll be okay!"
It seems like everyday she just gets more and more funny. Yesterday the base was hosting a little Easter party outside down the street from our house. I was being really grumpy because Jason wasn't home from helping someone move (what a jerk) and I decided that we would just go and he'd meet us there. I was being really rough and ornery with the two kids as I helped them get their shoes and coats on. As we walked outside she said, "Wow, Mom! It's a great day for an Easter egg hunt!" I had to laugh and put a smile on my face after that.

She's always singing and dancing her days away without a care in the world (some of the time). I love hearing her songs from the other room as she plays. I get sad when I think too much about her growing up and me forgetting all the funny moments we have at our house. Hopefully I can capture more of them in word here on the blog.
As I finish this post, Lucy is in her room screaming because she doesn't want to eat vegetables for dinner and "Daddy never lets her eat what she wants for dinner or fly the kite!!!" Did I say singing and dancing her days away without a care in the world?


Aimee said...

Holy Cow, that's a whole 'lotta princesses at the table with Lucy! I'm sure Lucy's got the edge on Hayley when it comes to Gavin, she's so darn cute how could he not go for her!

Jill said...

That is hilarious! You have to save that for when she really does get married and tell her on her wedding day...too funny! She is so cute.

Emily K. said...

I cried when I read your post, because it made me think about my little girl. She sings and dances all day too, and I don't stop to think how fast she is growing up. Thanks for reminding me. (I'm a little emotional right now, I guess.)

Amber said...

So cute! You are doing an awesome job of recording these moments!

Blaine said...

We miss Lucy! I showed George the the pictures and he screamed in question form and pointed. (That is the way he comments on things these days).

cragun family said...

She is a riot. I love conversations with little people! She is a doll!

Unknown said...

Marriage conversations are the best. Grayson and Lydia love the pictures of Lucy and all her princesses. They keep asking to look at them.

Megan said...

I looked at your blog from Tanna and Jed's. It is so cute. Lucy is so so so cute. I like the marriage conversation. Your family is so cute.

Shanna said...

This marriage convo is hilarious! It's funny to see how apparently charming little Oliver is...I'm sure my little neice Emma is planning to wed Oliver since he is her best friend. Hopefully if Lucy and Emma ever meet they can still be friends.