Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentines Day!  A couple months late, but oh well.  
Benny enjoying some sugar cookie dough.
Enjoying the artwork.  
I stuck with our tradition of books for the kids valentines.  This is what they woke up to that morning.  
We made these cute bugs for Graham and Lucy's class valentines.  This was the first time we attempted homemade style.  It was fun!  The kids were extra proud of them when they passed them out.  
3 of my 4 Valentines.  J Ray was still in Afghanistan, but only a couple weeks from coming home.  Notice the Graham's belted head.  He likes to think of himself as a ninja.  

Daily Life Pics (March 2012)

Lots of "bubbles in the sink" time at our house lately.  Usually, it's just Ben, but Lucy and Graham wanted in on the action on this particular evening.  

Benny got the boot from the kitchen sink, so we moved him to the bathroom.  

Daddy made homemade Oreos for his birthday treat (yes, he made his own birthday treat....he insisted, I promise).  I love this picture for a couple reasons.  Ben-O laughing at Lucy and Graham pulling a ridiculous face.  

My sweet Benny.  He LOVES his "superman jammies".  He's always a little sad when they are dirty.  

The kiddos took some toys out to the trampoline.  They were getting along so well and I had to capture the moment.   

Graham started closing his eyes in all the pictures, so Lucy decided to take matters into her own hands.  

Rainy day puddles.  I love that Jason is getting ready to give Benny one of numerous high fives and Graham is running around lovin' life.  

Love this!

Lucy and I enjoyed decorating a cake together at a mother/daughter Achievement Days activity.  She had a vision and carried it out.  My initial reaction was to reel her in and have her follow the "directions", but I controlled my urge to micromanage and let her go for it.  It turned out so cute and we had a great time working on it together.  

I need to take more of these pictures.  Graham loves to draw pictures of "monsters" and pictures of our family.  Every time I pick him up at preschool, he isn't ready to come home with me until he has drawn a few monsters on the back of his worksheet.

I sure love these kiddos.  They make my life so meaningful and happy.  I'm grateful for the little things I get to see and do every day with them.  I'm a very blessed mama.