Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Snow Day!

Jason had Monday off, so we decided to go sledding with a group of our friends from the ward. Keep in mind, we live in central California, so it took a good 2 hours to get to the snow. Graham has decided that he does not like being in his car seat, so the drive to Shaver Lake was awesome!When we finally got there, we had a great time. It was very cold (we're used to 50 degree days), but we came prepared. Lucy and Graham looked so cute bundled up in their clothes. We had to borrow snow pants and boots from neighbors. Yes....Graham is wearing purple pants and pink boots. Don't worry, he survived the taunting from the other kids. Although, he wasn't warm enough and he kept getting really mad whenever he fell down. He didn't have a very good time. Lucy, on the other hand, LOVED it! I was surprised at how fearless she was. She kept asking on the way home when we were going to go back.


JBBGirl said...

Your pics are soooo CUTE! Looks like you guys had a great time! TTYL!

Wright's said...

So fun. I love that you put Gram in the girly pants and boots. My girls have to wear ugly boy snow cloths because that is what we got first and I don't want to get new stuff. Lydia is now old enough to realize she is wear boy stuff and will only go along with it because of her pink boots.

L said...

I guess I better buck up and at least take my kids sledding once since we have to only drive 5 minutes! Good work!

The Youngs said...

How fun that you guys were able to play in the snow too! Too funny that Graham wore girl clothes! Looks like you all had fun tubing. Next time it snows big here we want to try that out at my parents' home.

Kelli said...

I guess we should keep the age thing in mind more the next time we think about going to the snow, huh? You and me, both. At least Lucy had fun.

Tanna said...

It sure looks strange to see snow in your pictures. We haven't been yet this year but I think we are going to go next MOnday. I'm not very excited. I don't like COLD!! I think the kids will have fun. Miss ya,

Aimee said...

Lucy must have Utah blood in her if she loves the snow so much. Looks like you guys may have to move back to where the snow is ABUNDANT! She might even get sick of it.