Monday, January 14, 2008

My Spa Experience....

3 words to describe my spa experience: relaxing, peaceful and painful.

The 1 hour massage was so relaxing I fell asleep at the end. I thought I'd be a little weirded out by the whole idea, but it was great! The facial was wonderful! The Hispanic woman who gave it to me was kinda funny. Imagine this said in broken English, "You pick your breakouts?" Apologetically, I answered, "I try not to, but yes, I do" She replied, "I can tell." This is the same woman that gave me a bikini wax. Yep, you read that right. I got a bikini wax and let's just say I probably won't be doing that again anytime soon. Maybe a little too much info for some of you, but oh well. That's where the painful part comes in. The same lady, after pulling the wax off would say, "You do okay?" I'm sure this question was provoked by my tear streaked face and screams of terror (just kidding, there were no tears or screams, but wow.....). I'll save you the details.

After 3 hours of wax and relax, Jason was waiting for me in the foyer to take me to dinner. What a great man I have. His birthday is in April.....I better start thinkin'!


L said...

I am now convinced I definately need a mesage! So awesome for you. But, you have also helped me make up my mind about something else. Jami needs a model to learn bikini waxing and was trying to get me to come in to help her learn. Big fat NEGATIVE on that one! Once again, kudos to Jason!

Jamie said...

Lucky you, Maggie! I do have to agree that bikini waxing is painful, but so worth it(I hate shaving - and with four kids it's so hard to find the time!). I'm so jealous!

Wright's said...

Wow, Maggie, you are so much braver than I thought, and so much braver than me. I could never get a bikini wax. I was reminded of when we were in Russia and Ryan and Heidi were trying to get us to go to a bath house. Yikes! I don't regret that at all. I glad you had such a great time.

Chelsey said...

I'm glad you had fun. If I ever become independently wealthy, regular massages will be part of my life. And bikini wax -- wow, that is brave.

Miss you guys!

Kelli said...

So I think you should get Jason to give Adam a small earfull about what a great idea he had and how it was the best birthday present ever, etc., etc.

Mel and the boys said...

That is so fun! Maybe you should return the favor and get him a wax for his birthday! I'll bet he'd love it as much as you did. ;) I feel your pain but I'm the one pulling the wax. Yes, you read it right, that is one of the many things I do at the Salon and Day Spa I work at. Aren't facials the best? They are so fun to give, I love to help people relax, Ahhhh love the spa.