Monday, October 1, 2007

Painting with a side order of chocolate!

We've been looking for new projects for Lucy Goose to do in the afternoons. It seems I'm always hearing, "Mom, what can I do now?" or "Mom, will you play with me?" I will color or paint until the cows come home, but I absolutely hate pretending with the Barbies or her toy princesses. So, we bought some Play-Doh and some paints at the store. She painted while I made some brownies for a baby shower I was going to that night. In between pictures, she licked the beaters from the brownies. She was in heaven!Side note: I think I've baked more in the last week than I have in the 6.5 years we've been married. Does anyone else have the "You-must-eat-all-of- the-cookies-that-are-in-your-sight" syndrome? This is why I don't bake!


L said...

Yes, I would diagnose myself with that syndrome. I figure I'm going to eat it eventually, why deny myself now!

L said...
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Wright's said...

Maggie I think you can tell I have the same syndrome, just by looking at me. I just want to know what kind of cookies your eating to stay so trim. I love the pics as always.