Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Trunk or Treat and more

I'm a little late on the Halloween post, but here it goes.

Our Halloween started with a trunk or treat with our ward the weekend before. Lucy was an adorable fairy. She wanted to be Tinkerbell, but when she spotted this purple number she decided to be "Tinkerbell's friend". Isn't she adorable? She was soooo excited about wearing a little makeup or "eyeblash" as she calls it.
We attempted to put an alligator costume on Graham that we had borrowed from a neighbor, but he would have nothing to do with it. We decided to put him in his favorite Spider-Man pajamas and he was ready to party. Whenever we put them on him, he says, "MAN!" meaning, of course, "SPIDERMAN!"Our friends, Gavin and Hayley joined us for the evening. We had a great time showing off the costumes. A lot of the primary kids were wondering what I was dressed up as. Not a good thing to hear when you aren't wearing any kind of costume. They were confused by my hair. They hadn't seen it dark yet and I wore it curly (which I rarely do). I had to let a couple of the kids pull on my hair so they would believe it wasn't a wig! Check out the shorts and flip-flops I'm sportin'. I think it was like 80 degrees that day.
Later that week, a bunch of us got our kids together to take a group picture outside. The kids all cooperated very well. Graham let us put on the alligator costume, but as you can see, it was a little snug. He didn't seem to mind too much.

1 comment:

Nells-Bells said...

you look awesome! i love your kids' comstumes. so cute. love your new background too. :)