School starts at 8:00 here......our mornings start at 6:30, so we can get walkin' by 7:30 and get there on time.
Graham needed his back pack, too. He was not a happy camper when he didn't get to stay at school with Lucy.
Lucy is not a fan of school thus far. "It's too long!" She wakes up saying, "I don't want to go to school." Once we're on our way and she's walking with friends, she's all smiles until we walk through the gates of school. She'll get used to it......I hope. She likes eating lunch there (although we she's not interested in school lunch) and she enjoys recess, but when we asked what she doesn't like about school, she said, "The learning part." Awesome.
Friday afternoon she lost one of her front teeth. I think she looks so different. It had been hanging on for far too long and it was time for it to come out. It looked very snaggle-tooth-esque. Dad was too much of a wimp to yank it out, so I had to take care of business.
Lucy is not a fan of school thus far. "It's too long!" She wakes up saying, "I don't want to go to school." Once we're on our way and she's walking with friends, she's all smiles until we walk through the gates of school. She'll get used to it......I hope. She likes eating lunch there (although we she's not interested in school lunch) and she enjoys recess, but when we asked what she doesn't like about school, she said, "The learning part." Awesome.