On to my struggle. As I've mentioned before, I have a really hard time jogging without listening to music, so I had my Ipod shuffle going and we started on our run. It seems that Lucy saves all of her deep questions for these wonderful jogs. I hear some mumbling coming from in front so I pause the music and say, "What, Lucy?" "Mom, what are those tall poles with the wires for?" I explain how they give power to the houses so we can have lights, telephones, etc. I unpause the tunes and keep going. Not even 15 seconds later I hear the mumbling again. Pause music. "What, Lucy?" "So we can have TV, too, right Mom?" "Yes." Unpause music. About 1 minute later I hear the mumbling again. Pause music. "Lucy you have to speak louder!" "MOM! DO YOU THINK THAT SPRINKLER IS BROKEN?" "Looks like it." Unpause music. (Keep in mind that all the while I am jogging while pushing almost 70 pounds in our massive stroller.) A few minutes later I hear her talking again (no longer a low mumble because I've asked her to speak up). Pause music. "Mom.........at Christmas time.............when there is snow...........is the sun in the sky?" "Yes, the sun is still out." "No it's not. It would melt the snow." I then try to explain as quickly as I can how the sun is further away during winter, but it's still shining, etc. I then say, "Lucy, it's hard for me to talk when I'm jogging, so could you save your questions until we get home?" It stays quiet for a little bit and then she says, "Well, if it's hard for you to talk, why do you keep saying good morning to everybody that you see?" The remainder of the jog went the same way. With only about 1/2 mile to go I'm sure people in their homes could hear me screaming, "LUCY, GET OUT OF HIS FACE! GRAHAM, STOP PULLING HER HAIR!" Good times.
Can anyone relate?
In the car. :)
PLEASE boys, can I just listen to this ONE song without a question??
This one is classic too- When Morgan, my sister, was little she talked a lot, as children do. One day my mom said to her "Morgan, could you please not ask questions for a minute and just look out the window and think about things instead?" Morgan was quiet for a minute and then said "But mom if I think about things then I'll just have more questions!"
I can't relate, but it is pretty easy to imagine! So funny. My days without questions and buggin' are numbered I'm afraid.
Jake and I have both decided that it is impossible for Brooklynn to think about things in her head, everything has to be spoken. You are so good to explain to Lucy about the whole sun being farther away in the winter, I hate it when Brooklynn asks a question, I give a patient answer and then she tells me that I'm wrong!
All I can say is "ha ha ha ha."
J/K. Our problem is at dinner time. Usually the incessant questions don't bother me... until it's dinner time and Adam and I are talking - the interruptions start and you hear "Mom... MOM... Mom... MOM... Mommy?... MooOOOom?... Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom.." "What is it Karly?" "Umm......................Mom?....Ummmm...." And it takes her forever to spit out what she was waiting so long to say.
We've had lots of conversations about interrupting lately.
I can totally relate to the exact same scenario. It can be annoying at times. When I am Lazy but I know I need to get out there I usually will just walk fast or jog slowly and will talk with them. But when I am having a day where I feel a lot of energy it is the same way LOL!I like to have my music on cause I don't like to here myself breathing (I know that seems funny) but it helps me to keep going. Little man likes to ask about everything too. Must be their age. LOL!
I feel your pain... except for the fact that you are pushing your body weight in stroller and children! I've got nothing with my 3 year old and 11 mo. old. You are one tough mama. Maybe try a sucker or some food object to occupy her mouth? Sometimes it works for us.
Oh the workout of the stroller! I purposely train with my kids and stroller, that way on race day I feel so incredibly light and fast! I wish sooooo badly they made a 3 kid jogger that would fit on the sidewalk and in my van. What am I to do now?
Does Lucy ride a 2 wheeler? Maybe have her ride along with you. Get her training. :)
For the record, your explanation to Lucy as to why the sun doesn't melt the snow in the Winter isn't exactly accurate. But, whatever...
Seriously, laughing out loud. They always seem to know exactly when to ask the questions, which always seems to be when it's not at all the right time. I'm just impressed you went running with them, pushing all that weight!
Maggie, I am loving your stroller struggles post! You tell the story so well I can totally picture it! HA HA HA I love Lucy's questions. She is one smart chick with the sun melting ths snow, and you were talking to everyone else sayin' hi so why not talk to her. I LOVE IT! Thanks for the entertainment. :)
Hilarious! I was sitting here trying to decide if I should borrow my neighbors double stroller and let Lindee right her bike while I run...might have to give it a second thought!
I can totally relate! Sounds like a copy of exactly how my jogs go!! Lucy cracks me up, she is soooo cute!! Ya know I bet we will miss it though, when we actually don't have a stroller to push anymore cuz they are all grown up!!
Sorry, I can't relate...but that is hilarious!!! Thanks for the entertainment.
Quite the popular lady! So many comments! I so have those days, I tell the kids I am in time out for a little while and they can't talk to me. This works for a few minutes, and I get to enjoy a few songs or peace. It would be great if you added me to your side bar and I will add you to mine. I'm serious about the deployment business. I moved in with my parents but soon found a home close to them. It was the best move I made! Your kids are so cute. Mason, my five year old says some pretty funny things like your little girl. I will have to start posting them.
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