Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Livin' it up....Labor Day style!

We had a fun filled, labor-free, Labor Day (except for the bathrooms that Jason cleaned and the kitchen floor he mopped..... what a great husband I have!). It is finally starting to cool off this week after our record-breaking temperatures last week (107 degrees and up). We started the day watching the kids play in this super cool water slide thing. We borrowed it from a neighbor. After that, we went to a BBQ with some friends from our ward and then came home and went for a nice evening walk. It was a very relaxing, happy day. You'll all have to check in on me next week. Jason is going to be leaving Monday and he'll be gone for 2 whole weeks. My neighbors mock me because many of their husbands have been gone anywhere from 3-6 months. I'm not sure I would survive that! I know my turn will come, but until then, I'm really dreading the 2 weeks without Jason. Which one of my Utah friends is going to drive out and see me??


L said...

Drat! I wish Lindee wasn't in school. I really would like to come out one more time... Where is Jason going?

Wright's said...

Maybe I can talk Jared into letting me and Kate fly out on a weekend. I'll check my calendar.

Jason Ray said...

Maggie needs to not put pictures of me on the blog without my shirt