Tuesday, September 4, 2007


As you can see, I've added some elements to the margin of the blog. I started a list of books I've read the last few months. I would love to hear about some good ones you have read. I love reading, but sometimes I can't decided what book to start.
The Lucy Quotables section is pretty self-explanatory. She says the funniest things all the time, and I always wish I had someone to tell. So, I decided to put them on the blog, so we'd remember them. Enjoy!


Wright's said...

Great ideas Mags, hope you don't mind if I borrow them. I loved Lucy's quotes- so funny. I was just thinking today that I should ask around for some good books to read- thanks

JBBGirl said...

OK you MUST tell me how you did the playlist...I have been "Dying" to add a music element to my blog. Please help!