Saturday, September 15, 2007

Come home, Jason!

Well, Jason has been gone for 6 days and we're surviving.....barely. My kids are fed (don't ask what they've eaten), they're somewhat clean (just don't look to close) and my house....well, we won't talk about the house. It seems I gain a whole new appreciation for Jason when he's away. As we've gotten to know other couples and I've talked with other women, I've recognized that I have it really good in the husband category. Most of you know that Jason is the easy-going, friendly, happy type. But he's also a great Dad and an amazing husband. You should see the faces I get from my friends when I say, "I don't do bathrooms." I could probably count on two hands how many times I've cleaned our bathrooms since the kids have been born. Many of you might be thinking, "Remind me to use the toilet at home before I go to the Rays house". It's not that they don't get wonderful husband does them because he knows how grossed out I get. He does a great job, too!

Jason is a wonderful Dad. Lucy has asked AT LEAST five times a day if Dad is on his way home. She looks forward to playing with him after work and he can always get her to smile. In the evening when we go outside to play, Graham has been following the other men around. He misses his Daddy.

Most importantly, Jason keeps me sane. As many of you know, I'm crazy. Jason has a way of settling my anxieties, and slowing my thoughts down so I can manage life. He is my perfect match. He makes up for all that I lack (and I lack!). I think I fill in for some of his, too. I feel very blessed to have a husband who works hard, goes with the flow (because I don't know how), and loves unconditionally.


Tanna said...

I can't stop viewing your blog, I have to admit I'm a little bit jealous. You'll know why if you view our blog. I need to figure out how to do all the fun things you've done. Talk to you soon!

THE YOUNGS said...

Hey Maggie! Your blog is so neat! I should really look into doing something like that for our little family with our families and friends spread out all over the place!

I'm sorry Jason is gone, but trust me, when he gets home everything will seem like it flew by. Just take each day one at a time, hang out with friends, make sure to get out of the house EVERY day, and make time for yourself once a day and you'll do great!

The pictures of Lucy and Graham are adorable as always! We miss your family so much already! I got some cute pictures of Lucy and Graham from our going away party. I'll e-mail them to you once I get them downloaded.

Take care and feel free to write if you're going nuts without your husband! I've been there a million times and know just what it's like!

JBBGirl said...
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JBBGirl said...

I know exactly what you mean. It seems like with Phil gone I only "half" Function. I too feel like the biggest spoiled girl on earth to have such a wonderful Hubby. We usually clean the house together which makes life so much easier on all of us. I guess we are just "BLESSED!"

Phil is also our Breakfast cook at home...(I just cannot do breakfast...the eggs & everything just comes out wrong) but ironically I can cook all other things well. He always makes my eggs so perfect...sigh!

But I know you will make it. It is hard to go through times like this especially without our best friend there to help us. I find myself really missing the hugs and the encouragement that he gives to keep going.

I know Phil is more than just a "Husband" he is my best friend and my completer and a true companion.

Well, I seem to be writing a book here on your blog...ha ha! I just totally relate to what you are saying here. I think the times apart just help us to realize how fortunate and blessed we are to have such WONDERFUL hubby and that is something to be truly thankful for!


Collette said...

Maggie! I can't believe you've had this blog for so long and I am just discovering it. If I ever checked my yahoo account I would have known a long time ago. Anyway...glad I found you. Your family is beautiful...not to mention you. Seriously, gorgeous. My mom said they saw you at Elaine's wedding. I wasn't too far away. I'm sad I missed you. I'll be a regular around here now. So glad we can keep in touch. Check out my blog at I'll chat with you later.

Emily K. said...

Maggie! This Emily Hamblin, your old friend from decades ago. I was eavesdropping on Collette's friends list, looking for new blog ideas, and came across yours. I recognized you at first glance. What fun! You have such a beautiful family, and seem like such a wonderful, put together, SANE wife and mother. And, your blog is so neat!!! Don't be surprised if I check in often to see howthings are going. Hang in there! (Our blog is