Wednesday, September 23, 2009

4 Weeks To Go!

4 weeks from today we will be welcoming our new little guy into our family. This will be our first scheduled c-section and I have to say I'm pretty nervous about it. With Lucy I had an emergency c-section and I attempted to deliver Graham the old fashioned way, but he wasn't coming, so his delivery was via c-section as well. You'd think I would be confident being how I've already had 2, but with the others I didn't have so much time to think about what was going to happen and how it would all go down.

We still have yet to decide on a name for the child. We've kind of narrowed it down, but then we say them to often or I think about them to much and I decide that I don't like any of them. Any suggestions? My name list is currently up to about 17, but I'd love to hear some new ones.


Jamie said...

ha ha, I was just thinking today of names you could use..Jason and I have a great uncle from the Ray side, Reed Ray, I like that; and Ethan, Jaxxon, Andrew(Drew for short), Wesley, or Logan.

L said...

So I was reading a book to the kiddos the other night, and there was a cute little charachter named could call him Gomer for short??? Gomer Ray! I LOVE it!!!

Lacey said...

Maggie! I know the feeling (about c-sections)!

I had an emergency C with my first and a scheduled one with my second. The scheduled one was SO much better!! It really was. It was much more calm and relaxed. I was a little anxious of what to expect, but I liked it so much better the second time. I was able to enjoy it and not freak out about what they were doing to me! Plus I wasn't pumped full of drugs so I was able to see Abby right after and I was awake, aware and great when they brought her to me a little while later.

I just wanted to let you know that, despite being cut open, the 2nd one went WAY better than the first. I don't know if that will calm your nerves any, but I wanted to share! Best of luck to you.

Boy names are so hard! I really like the names Evan, Grant and Seth. Good luck!

Stephanie :) said...

Wow! 4 weeks! Good luck in the name department- you know how long and hard it was for us to decide on a boy name too! They all sound strange when you think about them too much! Just let it happen... ;)

Collette said...

Good luck! I'll be thinking of you! I think the scheduled c-sections are much better. You know exactly what is going on and your baby is here in no time. Seriously. You'll do great.
I like the names Mason and Hayden. I hate deciding on names. We don't have one picked out for our baby either. Although, it is narrowed down to about 4!

Emily K. said...

Congratulations on nearing the end! You are almost there! Scheduled ones sound good to me. That way you won't go 2 weeks overdue like me. Miserable!! We seriously didn't know our baby's name until at the hospital. He came out, Jake said his name, (one we had been mulling over), and it just sounded right. It doesn't hurt to wait. We also liked Trey, Gage, Luke, and Rand. I'm soooo not having anymore, so steal them if you like!! Ha, Ha. We tend to go nontraditional with names.

Amy Evans said...

Mags, Chloe was scheduled (as opposed to Michelle) and it was a million times better. The recovery was much much faster as well. It is a little nerve racking, but at least you know the outcome! The nurses can turn on some music and you can all rock out together. It helps ease the nerves.

Jason and I decided which ever name you can yell (like you're getting after them) and sounds good is the right one. Good luck girl! Best wishes to you and the fam!