Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Cowleys Came!

We were lucky enough to get a visit from our dear friends, the Cowleys.  They were are buddies back when we lived in Oxnard.  In May they came to visit their grandparents that live in Mesa and we were able to steal the kiddos for a sleepover. 

The kids got a long great!  They swam most of the time and only stopped for snack breaks. 

Lucy and Lana were the best of friends in Oxnard.  They picked up right where they left off and chatted the days away. 

Benny and Autumn are only 7-8 weeks apart and both were born in Oxnard.  It was fun to see them together again. 

I think Grahama and Kaitlyn had the most fun, though.  They played hard and were always laughing and goofing off. 

 It was so fun having them!  Lucy and Lana are texting buddies now and occasionally they write letters and mail them the old fashioned way, too.  I really enjoyed visiting with Bethany, too.  There's always so much to chat about when you have the "military life" in common.  I loved reconnecting with these sweet, funny ladies!






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