Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day of School

Our first day of school went spectacularly! Is that a word?

Lucy LOVES her third grade teacher, Mrs. Johnson. Graham started at a new preschool three times a week and loves Mrs. Schreiber. Benny loves the little bit of time he has alone with his amazing mother.


Tanna said...

I can't believe how old Lucy looks! Crazy! I love that you got one of Ben too.

Jamie said...

Cute pics! You are an amazing mother..and I miss Mr. Ben-O!

Allison said...

Hey! Emma has the exact same shoes as Lucy. She wore hers on the first day of school too. It makes me wish they were back in the same class like kindergarten. *sigh*

The Cooper's said...

That last picture of the 3 of them is adorable! And you truly are an amazing mom!