Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Little Ladies Book Club

Lucy Goosy was bound and determined to have a book club all her own. She has heard me talk about the group I'm in and she got it in her smarty pants mind that she had to have one, too. She's been asking for over 6 months and finally I gave in and we had one the beginning of December.

Here's the group: Marina, Savannah, Caleigh, Audrey, Lana, Lucy, Kate, and Annie

Here's one of the invitations that we mailed out. I got out my old stamps and let her go. Lucy is such a little creator. She loves to draw and make things. She wanted very, very little of my help.

My help was also discouraged in the planning of the event. Over a week before the get-together, she already had the agenda ready to go. (Although, when she was put in front of the girls to "conduct" the meeting, she got shy and wanted me to help run the show.)

Lucy wanted everyone to bring their favorite book to share and talk about. Each of the girls had a turn to talk about their favorite part of their book. After that, they played a little pictionary using titles of well known books. We ended the party with chocolate chip cookies and the girls all played for a while.

All in all it was great! She started asking again today about when the next one will be. Doesn't someone else host it now????


Lemme said...


Chelsey said...

That is so funny. I love it.

Stephanie :) said...

So great! Go Lucy!!

Allison said...

That is a brilliant idea! Tell Lucy I think she's a very smarty pants! :)