Thursday, October 9, 2008

YES on Proposition 8

Many of you may not know about Proposition 8. I felt I should do my part to get the word out. Even though most of my readers aren't California voters, this is something that will affect all of our lives in the years to come.

Proposition 8 is an initiative measure on the 2008 California General Election ballot. If passed, it will be an amendment to the state constitution stating that only marriage between a man and a woman will be valid or recognized in the state of California. A few years back, 61% of the people voted these same words on another proposition, but recently the supreme court over ruled it and made same sex marriage legal. If Proposition 8 passes, this amendment will not allow that to happen again.

Jason and I have been working alongside many of our ward members on the "Yes for Proposition 8 Campaign". Many other churches and organizations are taking part as well. We've gone door to door to registered voters in hopes of educating people about the Proposition, encouraging them to get out and vote in favor of it.

When the campaign started a few months ago, I had my own small, personal struggle with the idea of going around and telling people my beliefs and how I felt regarding the issue. I was extremely anxious about starting conversations with neighbors and going door to door. But, after hearing the leaders of our church express it's importance and after studying out the repercussions of legalizing same sex marriage, I know that it's something I have to give my full support and time to.

Please take the time to check out the following websites: and . Articles at these sites explain things much more clearly than I can. It's not simply about allowing gay marriage or not. It will be required to be taught in the schools as equal to heterosexual relationships. Age appropriate information regarding sexual relations within those marriages will be taught. It will more than likely lead to religious liberties being questioned and taken away: bishops unable to perform civil marriages because they won't perform same-sex marriages, religious adoption agencies shutting down because they will not place children in same-sex marriages, etc., etc.

California law gives marriage-related benefits through civil unions and domestic partnership to homosexual couples. They lose nothing if this proposition passes.

If you have questions, please check those websites out!! California voters........get out and vote!


Wright's said...

Way to go guys. It takes a lot of courage to go out and do what you are doing. I am really impressed. Good luck.

Blaine said...

Wow. Of course I have always agreed with the Proposition 8 thing, but I didn't know so many things would be affected by allowing same-sex marriage. That is so crazy. Thanks for your post. Good one


Kindred Family said...

Steve and I have been very interested in the proposition 8 issue. We both feel very strongly about gay civil rights but also realized the importance of the church's reasons for supporting the proposition. I'm sure it takes a lot of courage to help spread the word - Good Job!