Saturday, August 25, 2007

not the sharpest tool in the shed.....

Well, I've proven (for the millionth time) the theory that many of you firmly believed....I'm crazy. I sent out an email a few days ago with a link to our blog. After hearing from a few people that the message had a bunch of gibberish garbage, I decided to send another one (yes, I am aware that you know all of this already, but please....let me get this out). I left out the www. on the link, so I proceeded to send yet another message and left out the blogspot. for the link. Most of you would recognize the mistake and quickly move on. Not this girl (imagine my two thumbs pointing at myself). I have to worry and obsess over it. I decided not to send another email for fear that you would think I'm even loonier (not really a word, but kinda fun) than you already presumed. So, I got it all out here on the blog and I'm not even sure how many people actually got the address. Oh hopefully I'll be at least regarding the blog incident.

Wow, did you catch all that?


L said...

Mags you crack me up. I love it!

JBBGirl said...

I doubt anyone even thought twice about it. Computers are always acting funky! Think of it for what it really is. It is just a couple silly "double U's". NO biggie! No Sweat! It is so easy to be distracted with the kids running around and all too.