Monday, August 27, 2007

Cache Valley Triathlon

As most of you know, I competed in the Cache Valley Triathlon during my trip home to Utah this month. My brother, Blaine, also did it. I found out a couple weeks before that my great friend, Katie Kindred, and her sister Bonnie were signed up as well. We all got together the night before and had dinner at The Bluebird Restaurant in Logan (Katie and I both worked there during our years at Utah State). We had a great time getting psyched for the race the next day. After dinner, we drove out to Hyrum Reservoir (where the triathlon was held) and got our numbers and instructions.

Here's some pictures of us before the race began. They started everyone in groups, so Blaine started 10 or 15 minutes ahead of us. Katie, Bonnie, and I were all in the same group.

We all did the sprint distance. The swim distance was 750 meters (almost 1/2 mile). It was a lot easier than I expected. I was worried that I'd get trampled by all the swimmers, but we were all fine. The biking was by far the easiest. We biked 12 miles. The running distance was a 5K. I thought that this would be the easiest for me, but by the time I had done the swimming and biking, I thought I was going to die! A little ways into it, I saw this big hill that we had to run up. I wanted to kill someone! My total time was 1 hour and 40 minutes. I was happy overall with how everything turned out. Blaine and I are looking for another one to compete in before the end of the year. There's one on Catalina Island in November. I hesitate because we'd be swimming the ocean. Visions of one-armed surfers come to mind.

Here's some more pics from after the race. I would show you some of the ones during, but I look hideous. At least in these you can't see the biker shorts I was wearing. Yikes!


Wright's said...

Maggie I would love to see you in your hot biker shorts. You are my hero I could never do the things you do, I can't even go longer than 20 minutes on my tredmill.

L said...

Someday I would love to join you in one! The fact that you were smiling in all of your biker shorts makes me think I could eat your dust...

L said...

K, don't know why I said "smiling in all of your biker shorts", I meant, "smiling in all of your pictures" I am a mess the past couple of days. Too much blogging I suppose! Maybe I secretly want to wear biker shorts all of the time!!!