Saturday, August 25, 2007

Kids, kids, and more kids!!

Yesterday we had a few kids over that we were babysitting. We played outside and they took turns (after much fighting) riding the bikes around the culdesac. Lucy absolutely LOVES playing with her friends. Every morning she wakes up and almost immediately asks if she can have a friend over. I have to try and put her off by saying, "Your friends are still sleeping" or "They haven't had breakfast yet". Sooner or later she's going to realize that I don't have super powers that allow me to see what her friends are doing at all times. Until then......


L said...

Oooh, I like the super human ploy, I will have to try that! I can't wait for Lindee to start school so she doesn't have a choice but to wait. However, Zander has started in wanting to call a friend, but unfortunatley, there are no friends for him. Let me know how Primary goes.
Love ya!

JBBGirl said...

Awe! What a cute pic! You are such a wonderful friend. Thanks for all you do! The kids just LOVE playing with Lucy! If you ever need a break...I hope you know to call anytime!
