Wednesday, December 31, 2014

German Adventure Part 3: Sledding on Zugspitz and Day trip to Innsbruck, Austria

Zugspitze is the tallest mountain peak in Germany.  We decided it would be fun to ride the gondola up there and go sledding for the day.  What I forgot about is the fact that I am afraid of heights.  Wow.  I wish I would have gotten a picture of the gondola going up the cable.  I spent 50% of the time kneeling on the floor of the tram with my head down and eyes closed.  It was CRAZY high.  I'm not just a wimp.  There was another man riding on it with us and he sympathized with me.  I kept asking him if it was almost over.  

Graham and Jason thought it was awesome!  

This is us at the top.  It was really windy and very cold, but we had to stop for a picture.  Sullivan was at the CDC this day.  

There was skiing going on up there, too, but we stuck with the sleds.  

The sledding hill was pretty wimpy, but we had a good time playing in the snow for a while.  

Jason and I wandered around a bit to get some better pictures of the views.  This doesn't even begin to do it justice.  These mountains are gorgeous!

Needless to say, I wasn't about to get back on the gondola to go back down.  Luckily, there was another option.  There's a train!  It took quite a bit longer, but we made our way down just fine and I didn't have to risk heart failure.  The first part of the train ride is through the mountain.....kinda cool.  

Stunning, I know.

Next on our list was a trip to Innsbruck, Austria.  It was a beautiful 1.5 hour drive.  The little villages are breathtaking and look like they belong on a postcard.  I love how the churches are always at the city center.  Their tall steeples stick up over everything else. 

The Innsbruck Christmas Market was great!  We enjoyed some Zuckerwatte (cotton candy) and I loved my vanilla drink (it was like warm vanilla pudding).  

We saw the market and then wandered around a bit to get a feel for the area.  Benny, as you can see, was thrilled with the idea.  

Another couple pictures from Zugspitze

And....back to Innsbruck.  

We bought some yummy ginger cookie/cakes that only me and Sully liked.  More for us!!!

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