Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sully-Man 8 Months Old

Oh, this boy!  Such a smiley guy.  He'll actually be nine months old tomorrow, but these pics are from the day he turned eight months.  

This guy is Mr. Social.  He smiles and laughs so easily.  Everyone comments on his big smile and it seems we hear all the time, "He's such a happy baby!"  He LOVES his brothers and sister and looks for them everywhere we go.  He doesn't mind riding in the car because he gets to watch Benny and Graham close up and buckled in.

Like, Benny, he is an early, early riser.  He's up every day between 5:45-6:15, much to our dismay.  But, he goes to bed for the night around 6:30 or 7:00 and sleeps through without a problem, so we can't complain too much.  He doesn't like to nap much, but I think a lot of that is because of his social personality.  He doesn't want to miss a thing.

He's crawling like a champ and has started pulling himself up with help from the furniture.  His knees and feet are always dirty because of our awesome tile floor that he crawls around on all day (reminding me that I need to mop).

We love our little guy!  Such a charmer!

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