Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Earache and Valentines Day

I'm hoping to have less time in between posts, but I'll just keep trucking along and journal when I can/remember.

We had a great weekend!  It was Presidents Day on Monday, so Jason and the kids were home an extra day.  We surfed Saturday morning at Barbers Point and then went to Benny's basketball game at noon.  Jason and I were invited to a Valentines Dance that my friend, Sarah Homewood, from another ward put on.  It was so fun!  We weren't excited about going....neither of us are dancers.  Not many people were there, so we were glad we came to support them.  We laughed a lot at ourselves and just had a great time trying something new.  

Sunday was our ward conference.  I'm primary president now and there have been a lot of changes to the schedule.  We only go for two hours now, so I feel like church flies by so quickly.  I'm doing the music, too.  We have a very small primary, we only had 12 there last week.  I really enjoy working with the kids, but I'm really tired when it's done.  Benny was being extra punky on Sunday.  Singing the songs loud and opera style.  That kid is a crack up and keeps me laughing.  

The kids were back in school yesterday and I went surfing with my friend, Ali.  We surf every Tuesday morning and I look forward to it all week.  Yesterday was rainy, but we decided to venture to Haleiwa anyways.  It was glorious!  Rainy, but so fun!  The waves were bigger than we're used to, so I got churned like a washing machine a few times, but I feel like I'm learning.  

Benny had basketball practice and Jason was working late, so we grabbed McDonalds on the way home and I paired it with some carrot sticks one of my neighbors had, luckily.  We are completely out of produce and I desperately need to get some groceries today.  

It's 6:30 am now and I'm letting Benny sleep in.  Poor guy had a wicked earache last night.  Looks like I'm headed to the doctor later today.  I'm waiting for Graham to come downstairs for breakfast and hoping Sully sleeps a little longer.  

I'm grateful for this mundane, sometimes crazy, but pretty ordinary life I have.  My family brings me joy, even with the tough lessons they are teaching me in patience.  

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