Sunday, April 27, 2014


APRIL 2014

It's hard to believe that six months has come since Sullivan joined our family.  This little man and his Mom had a rough first few months, but he is such a happy baby now.  All of the stomach trouble he had is in the past and he's Mr. Smiley.

Everyone always comments on his big, beautiful smile.  He is so quick to grin from ear to ear whenever someone makes eye contact with him.  Laughing comes so easily and his little chuckle is so cute.  Whenever he hears one of his siblings talk, even from across the room, he stops what he is doing and searches for them.  

This little guy started rolling from his back to his stomach last month, but it took him forever to learn to roll back.  He would get soooo mad after just a short time on his belly.  He's trying so hard to crawl, but can only scoot backwards on his belly using his arms to push himself.  He'll back himself into a corner really quick and then yell for help.  

He's getting so big!  At his 6 month check-up he was 19.6 lbs!  

I love these beach shots of him from when we were at Cefalu.  

He's getting better and better at sitting up.  

In this picture, he doesn't quite have any teeth yet, but two have come in just in the last two weeks.  He had a fussy couple of days, but is back to his happy self.

His naps are getting better and better, too.  Those first three months were tough.  His little tummy really bothered him, so he would only sleep for 20-30 minutes at a time.  For the last couple months he has stretched it to 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours.  Happier baby and a much happier mama!

We have another early riser with this guy.  He's usually awake by 6:00 and he'll play and talk in his crib for bit, but he almost always wants to eat before 6:30 or 6:45.  It's funny how your perspective changes, though.  A couple months ago, he started his day around 5:30, so now we are so grateful that he goes another hour or so!

During those tough weeks when he struggled with sleeping, I would try so hard to have perspective and to remember that he is my last baby and to just enjoy holding him.  There was still so much frustration and the days were long, but I'm grateful for what motherhood is teaching me.  Patience, most of all, is the lesson I'm daily being taught.  Each of my kids, in their own way, are helping me in this department right now.  I'm trying my darndest to speak a little softer and not be so quick to yell.  In the words of Princess Anna, I'm learning to "let it go" and not sweat the small stuff as much.

I sure love my kiddos and I'm eternally grateful for the person they are helping me to become.


Aimee said...

I love the pic of Sullivan sitting up, super cute!!

Jamie said...

That face! I'm smitten with him!