Friday, September 13, 2013

Lessons Learned in San Diego:

1.  Our kids, when forced, can be each other's best playmates.  It was so fun to see them interact and just be friends.  They fought a lot, of course, but they also laughed with each other a lot and just played.  This has carried over to our time here.  I was reminded that even with all of our moves with the military, our best friends are coming right along with us.  

2.  The Lord knows me and my family.  I knew this to some extent before, but was reminded many, many times that he is aware of the Rays and our needs.  Even though at times it seemed that things were moving slowly, in reality, our documents were done in record time.  We were able to come in contact with the right people who had the right connections.  We originally thought we'd be waiting for everything to be done in July, but we were able to stay at one of our favorite vacation spots.  I wasn't able to see a doctor for almost 6 weeks, but my pregnancy is going well and there were no complications or scares.  Jason was allowed to stay with us while our applications were being processed.  He originally was going to have to go on to Italy without us.  


3.  In our family, I am in a position to make our days happy or to make our days hard and sad.  Much of the days mood is dependent on my disposition and attitude.  I sometimes resent this role that I play and wish it was different, but alas, this is one of the realities of being a mom.  I am grateful for the energy I was given on days when I thought I had none and I was able to help my kids see the bright side of our situation. We had some rough moments, but overall, we were pretty happy.   P.S.  That doesn't mean I didn't do my share of complaining.  Yikes.  Poor Jason heard a whole lot of murmuring in the four weeks we spent there.

4.  Faith.  Oh I learned so much about faith during our time there.  Most profoundly, I learned that faith is more than just believing or hoping in something I can't see.  It is allowing my individual will to be "swallowed up in the will of the Father: (Mosiah 15:7).

My fabulous friend, Lichelle, mentioned a talk she had read recently by Elder Bednar.  This talk was life changing for me.  There have been more than a few different times in my life when I struggle with the idea of having faith in Christ, but accepting His will.  Why should I pray and fast about something I want or feel I need when ultimately his will is what will come to pass?  This has been an ongoing conversation that Jason and I have had throughout our marriage.  This talk laid out the answers for me.  Here's a quote from the talk that I love: "As I allowed those two ideas to coexist in my life, focused faith in Jesus Christ and complete submission to His will, I found greater comfort and peace."  Faith was needed to get our passports and visas to process quickly, but faith was also needed to have patience and accept what the Lord wanted for us at this time.

Another quote:  "Righteousness and faith certainly are instrumental in moving mountains--if moving mountains accomplishes God's purposes and is in accordance to His will.  Thus, even with strong faith, many mountains will not be moved.  If all opposition were curtailed, if all maladies were removed, then the primary purpose of the Father's plan would be frustrated.  
My mantra/motto for much of the time we were in San Diego also came from this awesome talk.  Elder Bednar was quoting Elder Maxwell when he said, "Not shrinking is more important than surviving.  Moreover, partaking of a bitter cup without becoming bitter is likewise part of the emulation of Jesus."

So powerful!  When I would become impatient with our situation or grouchy with my kids, I would think to myself, "Maggie, are you becoming bitter?"  I was able to recognize that we were partaking of a "bitter cup"but I had the power to allow it to make me better and not bitter.

It was a tough and terrific month.  I know that there is a reason for why we were delayed.  Maybe these lessons were enough to make it worth the four weeks of frustration.  I know that it's easy to say that now that I'm on the other side of it.  But, maybe that's how it is for most trials.  Hmmmmm.....

1 comment:

L said...

You are so good at expressing yourself through writing Mags. I love reading your posts. It's so crazy to me to think of you in the ocean pulling Benny my world a prego person can barely put a movie in for themselves, lol! With everything you have had to deal with, it is a huge blessing that this pregnancy has been uneventful. It is just another faith builder that the Lord knows us and our situations and what we can handle. You are a fantastic mom and friend. Luv ya!