Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Mean Business......

So, Lucy Jane has a lot on her plate.  She's on the swim team, which requires her to stay after school and practice three times a week.  She also has soccer usually three times a week.  Fifth grade is proving to be very demanding and has taken her a bit by surprise.  Lucy always seems shocked by the amount of homework she has each week and the tests she has to study for.

So, when she came home begging to be able to participate in the 5th grade band program, Jason and I were a bit hesitant.  I think our exact words were, "No....not happening."  When she started to cry and get mad I may have added, "Sorry sweetie.....your plate is full."

She persisted and tried to convince us she could handle it.  So, after reading the information packet and trying to be sympathetic to her need to be doing what "ALL of her friends" are doing, I decided that she could participate.  But.....only after she read and agreed to sign this contract I typed up for her:

Contract Agreement for Participation in Band 2013

I, ______________________________, understand that by committing to participate in the Sigonella Elemantary school band program I am agreeing to the following:

a.   I understand that my success in school is the most important.  If my grades begin to drop I will be required to quit the band program.

b.   If I miss more than 2 assignments at any given time, I will be required to quit the band program.

c.    I will practice the instrument assigned to me as much as the band teacher instructs. 

d.   I understand that Mom and Dad are amazing parents, but are busy parents.  If, after 2 warnings, I continue to whine/complain about having to practice the instrument assigned to me I will be required to quit the band program.

e.    I understand that Mom and Dad are the best parents a child could ask for, but don’t have time to deal with tantrums.  If, after 2 warnings, I continue to whine/complain about having to complete the work that was missed while at band, I will be required to quit the band program. 

f.     If I have to quit the band program for any of the above reasons, I will not be permitted to sign up for band in any of the years at Sigonella Middle School. 

Signed:    _________________________________________________


Joseph and Kamber said...

This is great. I love it.

Aimee said...

You should throw some teeny, tiny fine print in there about making you breakfast in bed on Saturdays and doing the dinner dishes a few times a week too.

Jamie said...

I LOVE it.. and I agree with Amiee, haha!

Brooke said...

Well...after weeks of not being on any sort of blog, I've been reading ALL your blog posts and laughing and crying through them. First of all--you are amazing! Wish I could be there to laugh with you in person. Second of all--I'm pretty sure the contract you wrote is one of my favorite parenting skills I've learned from you. :-)