Friday, February 10, 2012

Bether-boo Bobba-loo

Not sure when we started calling Beth, Bether-boo Bobba-loo, but there you have it. Beth saved me and probably more importantly, my children, from hospitalization. She flew in with her baby, Thomas, on December 1st. We all drove home for Christmas in Utah and then she returned to Cali with me to help us get through January. Words cannot express the gratitude. Seriously, no words. So I'll stop trying. This is me not trying to express how grateful I am.
Sundaes with the kiddos.
This little guy is quite the character. Tommy decided to poor his oatmeal over his head. This guy keeps Beth hoppin'. It's a good thing he is so dang cute. He may not have survived this long. He is seriously hilarious, too. My favorite Thomas thing was when he'd throw his head back and laugh at himself. Poor little man was big time teething most of the time he was here.
I was trying to keep the two crazy boys busy one morning, so I let them play in the sink. After about 30 minutes, Thomas thought it would be fun to actually play IN the sink. I turned around after looking away for a second and this is what I found.

These two were hilarious on the trampoline together. I shed their wet clothes and threw them outside to dry.
Eating a mid morning snack.
Bath before bedtime
A week before Beth was scheduled to return to Iowa, Blaine and Lindsay came to visit with their boys. It was sooo much fun.
Beach day! We were the only ridiculous people at the beach in 55 degree weather.
The kids didn't seem to mind.

Sunday evening we made our way up to "The Cross Park", as we lovingly call it. It has an amazing view and the kids get to run around a bit.
Cute random picture of Benny eating his ice cream.

In all seriousness, though, I don't know if I could have made it through Jason's deployment if Beth hadn't come to stay for those weeks. I know there were many moments when she wished she was in her own space with her own stuff, but I am so grateful that she came. I cried intermittently during the three days prior to her leaving. Looking back on the 7 weeks we spent together, I think the highlights for me were when we went to bed and would talk and laugh at the lame things the other one said or did. I am so grateful that I can be completely myself around Beth and the rest of my family. We laugh A LOT when we are together. I love that.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Sisters are the best! I wish I would have thought to ask you the exact date when Jason gets home, I sure hope it's soon!