Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Benny at 8 months

In just a week or so, this kid will be 9 months, so I thought I'd should post some of the pictures I took to document 8 months. Isn't he adorable! I can't get enough of this guy!

I love this one for a couple reasons. It looks like he was trying to pose for me and I love his wrists.....lovin' the rolls!

We see this cheesy face a lot. I love it!
This guy has been workin' on some teeth. There's been some rough patches here and there in that department. Super grouchy! At one point he had 4 or 5 trying to come through. In this picture you can see the bottom two that were already in, but if you look close, you can see a few others that are peeking through (as well as a piece of goldfish on the left side).

This is my friend's baby. She's about 6 weeks older than Benny, but she's so much smaller (especially his noggin). I love how she looks like she's looking for help and Ben is so happy to be within striking distance.
This guy has finally mastered the pacifier. He did a couple months back. He always wanted it in his mouth, but couldn't keep it in very long. Very frustrating.
He's getting closer and closer to crawling. He gets up on all fours and rocks and rocks and rocks. He was anti-army crawl for a while, but finally started to use it in desperation the last few days. He really wants to be more mobile. This guy is amazing in the old school walker we have for him. He can get wherever he wants to go. It makes me laugh every time I see him start moving in reverse and he looks behind him to see where he's going.
He's our smiley guy! I love the reaction I get when I go get him out of his crib in the morning or after his nap. Yes....even when it's 5:30-6 in the morning (that's his hour of choice....yes, it's early, and no, it shows no sign of changing). He plays in his crib for a while and one of us goes to get him when he lets us know he's done rolling around and wants out. He's a great napper and adapts well with our ever-changing schedule.
I'm so excited to go home to Utah in a couple weeks to show him off to the fam.


Lemme said...

his smile is SO BIG!!

Lemme said...

...but i guess it all works out in proportion to his head

Tanna said...

Oh my goodness, he is so cute!!! I love his bald head. Sorry about your bread. I was laughing so hard tonight I could hardly tell Jed about it. At least it can't be worse next time.

Luke said...

Oh, man, I haven't seen him smile in forever. I miss it!
