Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Lucy's Sweet Sixteen

Can't quite believe it.  My girl turned sixteen.  Look at that face!  


Uncle Blaine and Aunt Lindsay were in town with their boys on Lucy's big day.  They made it extra special with an amazing cake and awesome decorations.

I'm not even close to being okay with this girl growing up, but she keeps doing it anyways.  

It's been a tough couple of months for this sassy and sweet girl.  Her best friend, Tristen, left on his mission and she's not quite sure how to move forward.  I'm so proud of her and her willingness to keep moving, even when she really, really doesn't want to.  

Sixteen things about Lucy:

1.  She loves to sing.  She always, always has.  She sings ALL THE TIME.  Lucky for us, she has a beautiful voice.

2.  She has a great sense of humor.  She's super goofy and ridiculous, but it's hilarious all the same.

3.  She loves chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream....even though milk makes her stomach hurt.

4.  Lucy survives on cereal.  Mostly Rice Krispies and Cornflakes with waaaaay too much sugar.  This also makes her stomach hurt....go figure.

5.  Lucy loves The Office and Parks and Rec.

6.  Lucy is incredible at applying make-up.  She has a talent for it and always looks fabulous.  Ironically, she looks beautiful without any makeup on at all, too.  Not fair.

7.  She has always had a fun, different, rockin' sense of style and can pull off outfits that most shouldn't even attempt.

8.  Lucy is loyal and a good friend.  She has always been good at talking to other people and making them feel at ease.  Her heart is soft, though, and she doesn't understand when others don't show the same courtesy.

9.  Lucy has a love for her family...both immediate and extended.  She wants to be with them and feel a close relationship to them.

10.  She loves to talk.  I am sooo grateful for this.  I love talking with her about serious things, but also about stupid things.

11.  Lucy is a great debater.  She won't give in and keeps arguing until she gets her point across.  She is determined to be right, to be heard, and to be understood.

12.  Lucy is anxious, but also optimistic.  I love this combination in her.  She worries about the future and gets stressed out quickly, but her underlying characteristic is optimism and hope.

13.  Lucy is terrible at basketball.  But I love that she'll come out and play in our family games.

14.  Lucy likes a lot of different kinds of music.  Musicals, classic rock, easy listening, pop rock.  She keeps us guessing.  I'm always wondering what song is going to come on next when she's in charge of the music in the car.

15.  Lucy loves Coke and steals one from the outside fridge anytime she can.

16.  Lucy is loved.  So very, very much.

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