Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fall Soccer

Fall soccer 2015 was an overall success.  Benny loved going to his games, but especially loved the snacks provided afterwards.  His buddy, Teyfen Jones, from church was on his team, which made sideline visiting more fun for us!  We love the Jones family!

Benny could be seen showing off his ninja moves as well as soccer skills.  He's a quick little brick and I loved seeing how determined he could be!  Every time he made a goal, his smile was sooooo big and bright!  Someone would always comment something like, "Look at that million dollar smile!"

Dad did his hair the morning of his last game.  Thanks, Dad?

Teyfen and Benny boy

Sullivan made game watching and coaching a little tough because he always wanted to be at the park a little bit away from the field.  It seemed like there were always some girls willing to keep an eye on him for us, though.  He's quite the charmer!  

Lucy had a great season, too!  She was still recovering from her knee injury that she got early last summer (fell down hard during PE), but the brace helped a lot.  

She is a determined player, too and never gave up!  It's tough playing in a league of girls and boys 11-14 years old!  Some of those boys outweighed her by 50 pounds or more, but she kept barrelling through! 

Phil Andre and I coached Graham and Ella's team again this year.  We were named the Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies.  Catchy, I know!  It was a great group of kids and I really enjoyed the time with Graham.  
Benny, Phil, Penny, Eliza, Gabe, Jeff, Cavin, Jared, Jacob, ME, 
Graham, Ella

One of the moms made these amazing cookies for us at the end of the season.