-Lip Smackers (cotton candy flavor)
-Lucy's heart lip gloss
-military ID card
-3 gift cards (Sports Authority, American Eagle, and Visa Card......I gotta get shoppin'!)
-calendar (I use this soooo much. Once I write appointments or meetings down, I forget them completely. I'd be in trouble without this little baby)
-check book (Lucy's preschool only takes checks.....annoying!)
-Dum Dum suckers and crackers for the kids when we're shopping. I've created a monster. As soon as I sit Graham down in the cart, he holds his hand out and waits for the little sucker.
-Ibuprofen and a random prescription of Jason's from December
Pretty exciting stuff, I know. Who's up for it? Tag to anyone who needs to clean their purses out as badly as I did!
I would, but I don't even carry a purse. Nope. Just a wallet and/or a diaper bag for me, baby. Can't wait to get out of that phase though (the diaper bag part of it anyway).
That is a purse I would never have put on you! What is a mom doing with a purse that small anyway. You are all too organized!
loved it!
I want to open my purse and find un-used gift cards. It seems all I find is an empty wallet and receipts...
Happy anniversary(about a week late)and happy being done with a nasty race! I've meant to comment much earlier but just haven't.
I love the pink purse! It makes me want to go purse shopping for a new cute one!
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