Today is our wedding anniversary! 7 years ago on a rainy morning we were married in the Salt Lake Temple. What a fun and exciting day! Last night our friends watched the kids so Jason and I could go out. While eating dinner, we were thinking about what we wanted to do in the next 7 years together. We have many adventures to come and many places to go and I'm so glad we get to do it together! I couldn't have imagined a better match for me. I love you, Jason!
Whenever we go to receptions now I get jealous because I want to have another party devoted to just us. Does anyone else feel that way?
Oh you guys are so cute. I can't believe it has been 7 years. You two are incredible and are perfect together. Thanks for being great examples and friends!
I didn't even realize! Here you were yesterday making a big deal of my birthday and it was your anniversary! Congrats and hope it was a good one!
Happy Anniversary! I love the comment about having a party devoted to just us...I agree with ya on that one!
I would LOVE to do the whole wedding/reception thing again- with the SAME guy again of course!! I don't know though- when I go to receptions it's more like trying to go to the temple- meaning by the time I get to the reception I am so flustered from trying to get everyone TO the reception! I'm going through the line thinking- You have NO idea what is ahead of you!!!/ Enjoy this "honeymoon time" because it does NOT last forever.
Not too sound too onry or anything but that's just usually what happens. I'm getting better at it. :) And I do love a good reception.
What a cute couple you two are, and seem like such fun! Maybe someday we will be able to hang out together. Ya never know.
Two of our favorite people together, who could ask for more. We love you tons and hope you have many happy married years ahead. Jared and I totally missed our party cause we were stuck outside. I want to do it again and not have to talk to any of our parents friends. Happy Anniversary.
Wow, 7 years. I can't believe it, you guys look so young in your wedding picture. Marriage is great!!
You know exactly how Blaine adn I feel - of course we want another wedding reception. It seemed like the whole first year we were marreid we got depressed when we went to wedding receptions. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! That is so exciting, we miss you guys!
You guys are adorable! Cheers to your anniversary and many many more!!!!!!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! You guys look SO young in your wedding picture... Like babies! How nice that you were able to go out and celebrate without the kids. Here's to many more happy years together for you and Jason.
Congrats you guys. And, just a tip, when you get to wanting another reception, just pop one of those temple mint things in your mouth and it will remind you of the not so good stuff about having a recption.
I just found this via Jessica's blog. Great stuff. I love your daughter's quotes and her song. Thanks for the laughs! and I copied the tagged questions!
Happy Anniversary. I hear ya on the whole party for you day. I tell all my nieces, and cousins, to enjoy that day as much as possible, cause you always want to do it again.
I know what you mean about getting jealous a bit at wedding receptions. I wish I could just bottle up that day and relive it over and over again. :) What a cute picture of the two of you in the rain. You are a neat couple and we're so glad we are friends.
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