Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Graham!

Graham is 2 years old as of Sunday, August 31st. These couple years have absolutely flown by. Here is our little guy in a glance:

Day of birth (I love this picture!):
A few days old:6 months:
1 year old:
18 months:2 years old today!

We didn't do anything to spectacular for his day. We had some neighbors over for cake and ice cream and he opened a few presents.

He had to spend some time on the "thinking chair" after he bit little Audrey. As you can see, he's very upset about it. We're having issues with biting lately. Any suggestions?

We sure love our little man. He is growing up so fast and he keeps us laughing every day with his new words and crazy antics. Happy Birthday, Grahammer!


Raber Family said...

What a fun little boy you have. I don't know about the biting thing. I've heard some bite their own kids, but I don't think I could ever do that. I know one friend said that she was babysitting a neice or nephew. She put him/her in time out when they bit one of her children. Because someone other than MOM disciplined, they never did again so I'm told.

Emily K. said...

Rohne went through a biting phase, and it was very frustrating. Many times, Taylee's arm would look like the one in your picture. I just had to watch him really close. And, I'm sorry to say, time-outs didn't really work. It just kind of passed. It was very short-lived though. Don't bite them back, no matter what anyone says. I never did that, but my sister tried, and it back fired. Good luck. And Happy birthday Graham!

paulandbrianna said...

He is such a cutie. Thanks for including us. I love his messy face.

Tami said...

Looks like you guys had fun. All of my kids have been biters, and they didn't care about getting into trouble. We're starting that stage with Audrey...they grow of it eventually.

whitney williams said...

he is so cute Maggie!! My son was a biter for a little while. I tried everything, biting him back, time out, spanking, corner, sent to his room...Nothing worked!! One day I realized a week had gone by without any biting. He just stopped doing it on his own. SOOOOOO frustrating though...I can't say that any one punishment worked for him, but I would just pick something and make sure to be persistant.

Nells-Bells said...

Such a cute idea for the cake! Where does the time go? I tell ya. Wow. Happy birthday to Graham! He is a cutie. :)

Wright's said...

Happy Birthday Graham.! Those cupcakes look so good. I think I'll have to go find something sweet to eat now.

Collette said...

Happy (late) birthday, Graham.

Love the cupcakes. What a clever idea. He is one cute kid.

L said...

Weren't we just prego! How is he TWO? So cute! I miss you guys!

About the biting, I have heard putting something yucky on his tongue when he does, like vinager??? Good luck!

AJ said...

Could he be any cuter?!!!

The Cooper's said...

Oh my gosh Maggie, he is just the cutest little thing! His face is the exact same as when he was born, he is adorable!! Happy Birthday Graham!!

Blaine said...

We love little Graham! I can't believe he and George are 2 years old already. I love the cupcakes idea - that is really cute. We miss you guys.

cragun family said...

Cute pictures. Graham is so cute, and has the best smile ever! You have darling kids.