Monday, February 25, 2008

Growing Graham

Isn't this picture adorable! He's 3 months old with his blessing outfit on. I just love his little grin. Graham has always had the best smile, just like his Dad!

Yesterday was Graham's first full day in nursery! He doesn't seem old enough to be in there. The door to our nursery has the little peek holes, so you can see in. I didn't have to do sharing time or anything for primary, so I had to go check on him a few times. It was so cute seeing him sitting on the little chair having snack with everybody. This picture is after he fell asleep during lunch last week. I left the room for about a minute and came back to this. Graham has a few new little funny things he's been doing. He loves the water bottle and likes to drink out of it. We've had a few close calls where he has somehow gotten a hold of the Lysol and went to take a swig. He walks around with it and then hands it to me and wants me to spray his hands.
He's also loving books lately. It's so fun to go in his room and see him sitting on the floor pretending to read. We put a big basket of books next to him and he'll be entertained for a while. When I picked him up from nursery, they said he sat at the book case and pulled out each of the books, opened them up and jabbered a little before moving on to the next.
We joke that Graham has anger management issues. He gets upset over something and screams and yells for a minute until we figure out what he wants. He's getting a little better about using the sign language we've been teaching him, but usually he'd rather yell at us until he gets what he wants.

He's growing way too fast. Yesterday it made my heart hurt to take him to nursery (only a little bit).


JBBGirl said...

They do grow so fast! Way too fast! He is such a cutey pie! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

Tanna said...

What a cute boy! It's both a fun and a sad thing to have them grow up. I haven't figured out what I prefer.

Anonymous said...

It is a little painful to see them gain independence. What a sweetheart.

Jill said...

What a cutie pie! Nursery is a fabulous thing!!!!!!!!!!

Emily K. said...

I actually had to call Poison Control last week after Rohne sprayed his mouth with a little bit of Lysol. Thankfully, it was just a tiny bit, so it wasn't a big deal. He loves those bottles too!!

Aimee said...

I can't believe how much Graham has changed in just a short time. He was a cute baby with a killer smile and is still a cute little boy with the same huge grin.

The Cooper's said...

Maggie he is the cutest boy ever. I love that smile! I had a really hard time when Camryn went to nursery for the first I look forward to it so much! Isn't it funny the emotions we go through as moms?!

L said...

That picture of him sleeping is hilarious! I've always loved his grin as the words of Paula Abdul, "it's infectious!"

So I am bringing you lots o love, TAG YOU ARE IT! Check out my blog to see what's up. I feel bad tagging people in case they hate it, so I was trying to tag people who I had never tagged before so as to still feel love from everybody. If you are wanting the love, bring it on baby!

Amber said...

You have such cute kids! :) Nursery is twice as sweet when they actually WANT to go. Gotta love the falling asleep while eating. :)

Collette said...

Such a cutie.
Nursery is a gift from heaven, unless you're the leader!

Niki said...

He is darling, Maggie!

Heather said...

Yea Nursery! That is always a big hit at our house. Enjoy your new freedom. It seems like he was just born. Time goes really fast!