Saturday, September 22, 2007

San Diego Sunshine!

We're back! The kids and I joined Jason in San Diego from Monday to Friday. All my military friends are thinking, "Wow, you were whining and complaining about one lousy week without your husband!" Yes....I was. Anyways, moving on....

We had a great time! We stayed at the North Island Navy Lodge on Coronado Island there on base. The hotel is right on the beach. There's a park in the sand there, too. Lucy had so much fun playing. She loved making new friends with other kids there. She played for hours. Graham wasn't a huge fan of the sand. He's walking pretty well now and the sand wasn't letting him do his thing.
Graham did not like the hotel room. He didn't have much room to move around. It was really cramped with all of our stuff in one little room, but we survived. Nights didn't go so smooth, so we were all pretty tired most of the time. Graham is trying to get 4 of his molars in...not fun. Jason had his training during the day and then he was free for the evenings.
We spent one day at The San Diego Zoo. Our friends, Chris and Valerie Auger, were at the same training. They got us in with their season passes. It was awesome! I asked Lucy what her favorite animal was. She liked the tiger and the pygmy hippos the most. I always love the elephants most.
Jason and I got to go to dinner and the to the outlets one night while the Augers watched the kiddos. We found some sweet deals. Yes....I just wrote sweet deals.
We got back yesterday evening. All in all it was a great trip. It's been crazy coming back to reality. Jason got a call last night saying that the ward needed crews to go work on the grape vineyard today. So, he spent a couple hours begging people to come work with him. He was up at 6 to drive to Fresno. I have a primary activity today at noon. I need to get busy making some rice krispy treats for that. We're practicing for the big primar program tomorrow. I have sharing time on Sunday, too. I'm definitely procrastinating!! I better get to work!

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