Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Beloved Buzz Shoes

I had to take a couple pictures of these ridiculous shoes.  

They started their journey when Graham was about three years old.  I should have retired them after he outgrew them, but he loved them so much, I couldn't throw them away.  

Fast forward two years later.  Benny spotted them when I was going through a bin of Graham's old clothes.  He was only two and they were at least 2 sizes too big, but he insisted.  Keep in mind that Benny is my third child and this is not a battle I even cared to pursue.  

So, he wore these shoes day in and day out for about a year.  I would try to strategically hide them or offer some "super cool" digs that I thought he'd love, but with no luck.  He LOVED these shoes to the bitter end.  

I remember being at Payless with Graham and he really wanted these shoes.  I normally hate buying things for my kids with characters on them.  A little tacky, but I thought to myself, "It's one pair of shoes.  He won't fit in them for long and then I won't have to see them anymore."  Ha!


Someday I'll get a nice camera, but until then these will have to do.  

Benny was getting in the way of Graham and Lucy's choice of play this particular afternoon.  So, I decided to plug up the sink and let him play in the bubbles.  Soon enough, Lucy and Graham wanted in on the fun.  I love moments like this.  When they are all playing happily together.  These sweet times are few and far between, but they make me so happy.  

I sure love these kids.  

Training.....potty style.

The time arrived.  He turned three and it had to be done.  There were some ups and some definite downs.  We survived and Benny and I both seem to be the better for the experience.   : ) 

We decided to try the 3 Day Potty Training Method this time around.  Basically, you just keep the training child with you for a few days.  You try to catch them in the act and rush them to the toilet.  

As you can imagine, the first few hours were terrible.  At least 10 pair of underwear.  I wanted to set myself on fire.  But....the afternoon was a teeny bit better and the next day there was improvement and by the third day I was a believer.  He was rockin' it!  

These pictures crack me up.  I love seeing him in his little undies and the faces he's pulling.  

Day four we had a serious set back.  For some reason he decided he didn't like to go number two and began holding it.  Belly aches came in their usual waves, but he was determined to not "let go" if you will.  No amount of bribing or toys could convince him.  It made for about two weeks of struggle.  Not fun.  It's amazing how much your child's bowel movements or lack thereof can rule your world.  

Love these pics even more.  After washing his hands, I found him on the counter making faces at himself.  

These last two are my favorite.  

 The last week has been much better.  Here he is with one of the toys he earned for finally going.  It's such a "relief" (pardon the pun) to have it done.  We still have an accident every now and then, but he has been a champ.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Costumes 2011

Our sweet witch

Benny had a few costumes this year.  For the ward party he was a super hero pirate?

Graham was a ninja.  We had already bought the karate uniform this fall, so I was able to talk him into wearing it for Halloween.  

We had a traditional monster hand and bone breadsticks for dinner.  The monster hand looks more like a bear claw, but oh well.  Benny was totally grossed out by it and wouldn't eat any.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halloween Party

This year, Halloween was the holiday that never quit.  It just kept going and going and going.  It started with a party that my friend, Chelsey, and I hosted at my house.  We invited our kids closest friends and their moms over for the event.  

The house we are renting here in Phoenix  lends itself well to the Halloween spirit.  Many of the walls are orange.  Super festive, I know.  Here's some of the decorations the my mom and I put up while she was in town the first weekend of October.  

This was so much cuter in real life.  It made me smile every morning when I came out to the kitchen and saw it.  

We had to put up our bats that we do every year.  

I thought this was so funny.  I have this picture of Lucy with her friends from when we lived in Lemoore.  Apparently, she and Graham would move the heart to cover each other's faces.  Sometimes I'd walk by and Lucy's face would be covered in this picture.  

Then, on another day, Graham's face would be covered in this picture.  All done without any words.  

Chelsey and I had so much fun making all the food for the party.  These owl cupcakes were my favorite part.  

Our skeleton veggie tray.

Here's my little ninja enjoying the good eats.

Benny liked to change up his costume a couple times throughout the party.  Here he's Batman....obviously.  

We played the mummy wrapping game.  Check out Madeline, dressed as Violet from Willy Wonka.  Too cute!

I even got into it and dressed up in an old Gladiator costume that Jason bought many moons ago.  

We took the crew down the street to the park to play some Halloween Bocci and Goblins and Ghosts.  

Madeline's brother, Jake, dressed as an Oompa Loompa. 

Lucy enjoyed herself.  

Benny freezing in our Ghosts and Goblins game (Red light/Green Light)

Lucy was a witch this year.  She wore the same costume she wore when she was 4.  She just wore leggings under the dress this time around.  I was thrilled!  

We had a great time!  I was super worn out when it finally ended and my house was a complete wreck, but it was totally worth it. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lake Pleasant

On Labor Day this year, we wanted to get out and see more of what the Phoenix area had to offer.  We were all a little bitter about the heat still and wanted to find a place to cool off a bit.  

We had heard about a lake about 45 minutes away, so we packed some snacks and made our way to Lake Pleasant.  It was "pleasant" enough, but it was still super hot and we didn't last as long in the heat as we thought we would.  There wasn't much of a beach.....just mud, but we spent a few hours there swimming and taking in the new scene.  

Benny wasn't loving it, as you can see.  

Once he got a floaty from a neighboring group, he perked up a bit.  
There was an old  couple camped out next to us that kept us company.  They were pretty funny, actually.  Super friendly and super white trash, but it made for some interesting and entertaining conversations.  

Graham wanted to go exploring, so we walked to the top of the hill and then over to some big boulders that he could climb on.  

I love this last picture.  I love that crazy kid!